Show Her Real Friendships
It is our job as mamas to help our daughters manage the healthy and hard parts of social interactions. Give yourself permission to believe that boundaries aren’t mean, and being friends with everyone simply isn’t possible. You’ll free her to do the same.
When I Grow Up
I have just entered a new phase of motherhood…school age children. In the Fall of 2023, I will have a Second grader and two Kindergarteners. It is hard to believe. The saying long days, short years is so true, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that life as a mama has gotten a bit more manageable. So what now…
Design Your Day
The morning of my first Mother's Day, I woke up thinking that I was going to sit on a golden throne of roses and have strawberries fed to me, but then I came back to reality.
Love Yourself
I have been intending to complete our twins' baby books for years…they will be 6 this fall. It was so joyful to finish our oldest’s baby book in 2020, but I haven’t yet forgiven myself for how I thought I should have showed up as a mother when the twins were born.
Feelings First
Happy New Year! 2022 was one I’ll never forget. It is up there on my list of all time favorites. Our three beautiful daughters are such a gift. Working with my husband has become my most favorite career decision. And I’ve really started to embrace the journey of life by learning how to find the gift in both the good and challenging times.
The Journey of Fulfillment
I’ve got a quick disclaimer that might not be so popular…you will never be able to find meaning outside of yourself. I know, it is a hard concept to digest and one that I still haven’t fully accepted myself.
Preserve Your Sanity
The holidays are coming and the hustle and bustle is too. So, how do we preserve our sanity and still get those darn holiday cards out?
Grow Your Imagination
Children use the power of make believe to explore the ways the world works. Often, they mimic everyday activities. Fantasy play is their way to figure things out. It’s their opportunity to explore their newfound truths while accessing their background knowledge. They easily believe in what they cannot see. And this leads to all kinds of magic.
Trust Your Gut
Same mom, three kids, many different experiences. I tried my best. I failed a couple of times. Our oldest is more than okay. I learned. I forgave myself (well almost…I’ve still got some work to do).
Illusion of Control
Let me tell you about a super-spreader I know. She tried her best, wore a mask, washed her hands, and always used hand sanitizer. She got vaccinated and boosted. She kept her kids home whenever they had a cold or flu. She is me.
To Them You Are Beautiful
This summer I ask you to join me in just deciding to put on that damn bathing suit and get in the pool with your child/children. They love your cellulite and mooch (aka mom pouch). You are prettier than you think. To them you are enough.
Sit and Look Pretty
My entire life I have been told that I am just like my father. As a young girl, this comment would often confuse me. My dad was extremely kind and smart, but also stubborn and very strong-willed. And while these traits are often reverend for a man, they almost always squashed for a woman.
Reach a Little Higher
Go on a deep dive reflection with me on how gaining gratitude and understanding for our own mother’s journey actually allows us to move forward on our own. Grab a journal and a box of tissues and get ready to explore.
Internal Beginnings
I love new beginnings, transitions, and changes. Some close to me might say that I am kinda addicted to them. There is something about firsts that is invigorating. A new year, a new career, a new home to organize...you get the picture.
Rose-Colored Glasses
We spend the summer months wishing it was cooler, the fall months hoping it will rain, the winter months waiting for the storm to end, and the spring months wanting it to be warmer. What happens when we remember what we wished for.
The Bubble
Growing up in Marin County provided me with the belief that I was liberal enough. But what Marin lacks without question is diversity. And without diversity/exposure we only get to imagine how inclusive we would be.
Book Picks for Black History Month
Celebrate Black history this month by diving into a good book with your child. All the books listed are great for children (and adults) of all ages and especially for our littles under five. Take this opportunity to teach and to learn.
Looking in the Mirror
The day your child was born, so were you. This milestone often goes unacknowledged. For nothing in your life could ever take up as much time, energy, emotion, and effort as mothering. And you will never be the same.
Permission to Reflect
Even though you have everything you’ve ever wanted, what is it that you are longing for? Is it inner peace, health, sleep, true friendship, a redefined purpose? Give yourself space to review all of the good and all of the bad that happened in 2020 and 2021. And be intentional with what you're striving for in 2022.